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Javascript Options

The configuration options for Javascript are listed below. These are similar to JSON.

Number Convert

The Number Convert option detects if the 'value' is a number and if so will be output without quotes.

e.g. with Number Convert off

name: "Monica",
age: "29"

And with Number Convert on:

name: "Monica",
age: 29

Pretty Print

The Pretty Print option controls the pretty printing of Javascript.

With no Pretty Print the Javascript will be minified:


With Pretty Print enabled the Javascript will be generated with the chosen Delimiter.


name: "Monica",
age: "29"


The Delmiter is the value used to space out the Javascript indentation. This is only used when Pretty Print has been set to 'on'.

The Delimiter drop down allows you to choose some standard values:

  • Tab [\t] - use tabs to indent the values
  • Space [ ] - use a single space to indent the values
  • Custom Value - use the value in the Custom Text box.


The Custom text box allows you to add any indentation string to use during the Pretty Print formatting.

This would normally be used to add spaces e.g. two spaces or three spaces.

It is possible to use this text area with strings like "..." to generate:

...{ "Monica",
......age: "29"

This would generate invalid Javascript but might be useful for some publications or examples.

When the Custom value is a number e.g. 4 then the indentation will use four spaces i.e.

As Object

By default the Javascript is generated as an array containing objects with the properties (or keys) using the header names and the values as the cell values.

As Object allows you to generate the Javascript as an object with a named property as the array of data e.g.

data: [
name: "Monica",
age: "29"

Property Name

The Property Name text area can be used to change the name of the property representing the data array in the object.

By default this is data but you can amend it to whatever text you require.

e.g. using my data as the Property Name

my_data: [
name: "Monica",
age: "29"