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The AnyWayData App can be used to edit table based data in an online data grid, and convert between formats (Markdown, CSV, Gherkin, Javascript, HTML). It will also generate data using Faker and Regex. If we don't have all the functionality that you need then you might find some of the other tools listed here.

The other tools listed either have similar functionality, or can be used used to augment AnyWayData functionality.

Supporting Tools

These tools can be useful to use in conjunction with Any Way Data.

Markdown Previewers and Editors

Online Markdown Editors and Preview tools.

Apps requiring sign-up:

  • HackMD collaborative Markdown editing with a free plan

Documentation References

Similar Tools

Other tools that are similar to Any Way Data that might be useful.

Multi Format Tables

Online Table editors for multiple formats.

  • Tables Generator - CSV to Latex, HTML, Text and Markdown tables
  • Table Convert - Convert CSV, Excel, HTML, Markdown, JSON, SQL, Latex, MediaWiki to Markdown, SQL and Latex
  • Truben Table Editor - Interactive table editor convert to Latex, Balsamiq, BBCode, CSV, HTML, JSON, Markdown, Mathematica, Plain Text, reStructuredText, SQL, Wiki.
  • Ascii Table - convert tab delimited data to various ASCII and Markdown formats and can prefix programming language comment indicators for pasting into source code.

Markdown Tables

Online tools for editing and converting to markdown tables.

Online Test Data Generation

Free online tools for generating test data.

  • free plan for Mockaroo allows generation of 1,000 rows of data, many data types are supported including formulas. Export formats include CSV, JSON, Tab delimited, SQL, Cassandra CQL, Firebase, InfluxDB, Excel, XML.
  • - generate up to 10,000 rows of data in CSV, JSON and JSONL.
  • Online Data Generator build a set of column definitions, and export up to 100,000 records to CSV, JSON, Excel, SQL, XML
  • generate up to 500 rows without an account in JSON, CSV, HTML, LDIF, SQL, XML and various programming languages (C#, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Perl, Python, TypeScript).
  • SmallDev Test Data Generator - generate up to 5000 rows of data in the browser for JSON and CSV.
  • Online Custom Mock Data Generator - up to generate 5000 rows of data for JSON, CSV, SQL, and XML.
  • Convert CSV Test Data Generator - generate random data for CSV format.
  • JSON Schema Faker - given a JSON Schema, generate random data that matches the Schema.
  • Mock Turtle - uses an interesting tree based GUI to generate fairly complex JSON data structures.
  • LambdaTest Data Generator Very simple data generator with 9 data types. Export as JSON, CSV or XML, but no control over the number of rows of data generated.
  • Mobile Fish Random Test Data Generator - generate up to 5000 records of a 'people' type data.

Online CSV Editor

  • Convert CSV - Convert CSV to various formats, including Markdown Tables.
  • EditCSVOnline - load CSV file or paste data, edit in grid and export as CSV file.
  • Edit CSV - load in CSV or other delimited file, edit and export to file. Configurable for headings, delimiters, line endings, escape chars and encoding.
  • Aspose CSV Editor - load Excel or CSV files, export to Excel, PDF, HTML, supports formulas and styling.
  • ExtendsClass CSV Editor - simple CSV editor. Site also have various conversion and comparison tools.
  • Datablist CSV editor open CSV files as collections, edit data and move between collections.
  • Project CSV - load CSV file, edit in browser then export.
  • Database Test Data - generate data as JSON, CSV and XML


Programming libraries to help convert data.

Markdown Table Libraries

Test Data Generation

Ascii Tables

Libraries to help format data into human readable ascii tables.

  • Sorenson Node Debugging Ascii Table - Javascript Ascii table generation originally for node debugging output.
  • Ascii Table 3 - Javascript extended version of Sorenson with predefined table styles
  • OpenBase Ascii Table - Javascript simple table layout with configurable column widths
  • Ozh Ascii Tables - Javascript format data into tables supports adding comment lines to output for different programming languages also outputs media wiki markup