CSV or Comma Separated Values is a popular format for data interchange and is supported by almost every table editing and spreadsheet tool. AnyWayData.com allows importing, editing and exporting CSV files also conversion to Markdown and other formats.
What is CSV
CSV stands for Comma Separated Values. It is one of the earliest data interchange formats and popularized by spreadsheet tools.
A CSV file consists of an optional header line followed by lines of data. Each column is separated by a "," e.g.
"Country","Population","World Share"
"China","1,439,323,776","18.47 %"
"India","1,380,004,385","17.70 %"
"United States","331,002,651","4.25 %"
Because the values can themselves contain "," the data values are often wrapped in quotes e.g. "
And because the quoted values can contain "
there has to be a convention for 'escaping' the quote value and this is usually done by adding two quotes together e.g. ""
Because of the complexity around making sure all the values are quoted properly CSV files can be painful to create by hand.
Official Standard
There is no official standard for CSV although the conventions described above have been in use for so long that most tools abide by them and support them.
For more information on the format and standards see:
Support for CSV
AnyWayData.com allows both import and export of CSV files.
Allowing you to convert from CSV to any of the supported output formats like Markdown, JSON, Ascii-Text, etc.
And you can edit any CSV file:
- change values in the CSV file
- re-order the columns in a CSV file
- delete columns from the CSV file
- delete rows from the CSV file
We use the open source papa parse library for our delimited file input and output processing.